
Area of Health: RELAXATION

Stress can induce most lifestyle diseases. Uncontrolled high stress could reduce your body’s immune response and it may increase blood pressure, along with contributing to fatigue, depression, and inflammation. Managing your body’s ability adapt to stress, as well as reducing its stress load, will help with long term quality of life and longevity. We will teach you simple exercises that anyone can do to help reduce stress, and provide information to fully understand the importance of not only controlling stress, but finding balance, in all stages of your life.


Key 1 - Society of Wellness

Schedule times throughout the day to take 2 minute "breathing" breaks to de-stress, consider using an alarm on your phone

Key 2 - Society of Wellness

End your day with a warm bath or shower

Key 3 - Society of Wellness

Drinking a hot camomile tea after dinner could aid in digestion and relaxation of your body


Weighted Blanket - Society of Wellness

Weighted Blanket Benefits: 5 Things to Consider

Part of our brains still believe we live in dangerous caves in the wild, craving our safety. If you suffer from anxiety or chronic insomnia, then that primal feeling of “hiding in a nest” may be precisely what you are missing. So, should you build a new blanket fort in your bedroom?

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Think Differently About Your Health with Society of Wellness

Food is our body’s fuel. You care about how your exterior body looks, we’ll teach you how to take care of the interior of your body as well….oh, and by the way, your exterior will look much better too – Trust Us!

Jennifer Franco Lippe - Society of Wellness

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