
Area of Health: Movement

Exercise as we all know is good for you, right? But why? The obvious reason is to help control our weight, but more importantly exercise, in virtually any form, is beneficial at helping the body carry oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues. It also maintains proper blood sugar levels, which is one of the primary reasons for inflammation and eventually disease or early aging. We will cover many aspects of movement to help you keep moving in the direction of optimal wellness.


Key 1 - Society of Wellness

Utilize a wide variety of workouts. A walk, run, weight training, swimming, yoga, etc. All incorporate different areas of your body

Key 2 - Society of Wellness

Ask a friend to be your accountability partner

Key 3 - Society of Wellness

Schedule daily movement, scheduling it in your day will create a habit or ritual


Does Exercise Affect Lifespan - Society of Wellness

Does Exercise Affect Lifespan?

Most of us recognize that exercise and health are very tightly linked. Training regularly helps strengthen our muscles, lungs, and heart. Few would question that exercising regularly leads to a healthier life – but does this mean a longer life? Can the effects of exercise compensate for all the other possible causes

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Food is our body’s fuel. You care about how your exterior body looks, we’ll teach you how to take care of the interior of your body as well….oh, and by the way, your exterior will look much better too – Trust Us!

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